The Solar Homestead is Appalachian State University's entry in the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011. Inspired by the pioneer spirit of the early settlers in the mountain region of North Carolina, we have designed a self-sustaining zero energy home.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Decathlete of the Week!

Heather Kinsey

Job title: PV + Electrical Designer 

Joined team: January 2010

 How did you get involved?: "I was in the senior architectural design studio and Dr. Russell and professor Everhart approached me and proposed I get involved with the Solar Homestead as the second semester portion of our studio."

Best part?: "The endless learning opportunities! I could not have imagined a project that embodies so many of the things that I have been exposed to in my college career that I now have the opportunity to practice. Practicing the design of a photovoltaic power system was definitely one of the best parts."

What do you like to do outside of the Team?: "I love to watch the rhododendron bloom." 

You would rather be a dog named killer or a cat named fluffy?: "I would rather be named a cat named fluffy because a positive attitude will get you a long way and you never know what to expect from a cat named fluffy, but honestly I would rather be a dog named fluffy."

Would you rather not be able to use your phone or your e-mail?: "These days phones are so fancy, email and phones are one in the same. Except my phone. So I'd give up email." 

What has been the most challenging part of this project?: "The most challenging part.... challenges don't seem so hard when you have such a great team on your side. This is not to say that there were no challenging parts but our team is so dynamic that there has always been a person of resource." 

The  Solar Homestead team would like to thank Heather for being such a dedicated member. She has been very reliable, being at the headquarters before the sun is up and also for taking the lead working with the university electricians.  Thanks again for all of your  hard work! Keep up the hard work and stealing hard hats ;)

-The Solar Homestead Team

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